Friday, 16 September 2011

Reduce the hardware cost of virtualisation with AMD blades

The cost of current generation, 2nd user AMD blades are dramatically cheaper than their Intel counterparts. In many cases offering an average of 70% off their original list price. 

I'm finding more and more clients are taking advantage of the cheaper AMD offerings when purchasing new. They may not have the power or raw speed of some of the intel chips but with less cash available it appears that this is a sacrifice many are willing to take, this in turn has meant more and more creeping into our 2nd user stockholding, offering some very affordable solutions.

The BL685 is our most popular AMD blade across our second user stock holding. The G6 model provides 4 processor performance, perfect for virtualisation and also offers some of our deepest blade server discounts for example, a 2 Processor, Hexcore 2.4GHZ HP BL685 server, with 8GB of base RAM is available at £4,500 GBP, a 4k discount of list price.

If you're considering virtualising on blade hardware, please speak to us, we will reduce your hardware costs and can offer full consultation and design.

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