Wednesday, 14 September 2011

VDI without the use of a server?

Virtualization of the desktop simplified further with the use of client-side virtualization.

Desktop virtualization has always relied on the use of a type 1 or type 2 hypervisor to get the ball rolling. The use of said hypervisors means adding a virtual layer across each client which in turn puts a strain on its performance.

Manufacturers spend alot of time nowadays developing products and technologies which aim to simplify the user experience. Everybody is trying to remove a 'pain' , a fine example of this is the idiot proof GUI's we're now used to as standard on every SAN project. Anybody, it now seems, can be a storage admin.

A quite unique technology called Zirtu provides a low cost VDI option which will appeal to both enterprise and small to medium sized businesses. Aiming to expell the high costs and complexity many businesses still associate with VDI; Zirtu was designed from the ground up on the client side. Based on type 0 hypervisor technology, Zirtu will allow much more per-server density and performance comparable to enterprise priced package (at less than 150 USD, this certainly is not)

We'll no doubt see more and more of solutions based on type 0 hypervisors, let's have a look at this technology further in coming weeks.

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